Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Day to Go!

The adventure begins!!

I'm leaving tomorrow morning, and the summer is finally becoming real. I've picked up my visa, packed my apartment, and managed to cull down my pile of clothes to take with me to a manageable amount (thank-you Sasha!). For one not known for packing light, this was something of an achievement.

I'm planning on this blog being slightly different than the one I wrote in Nepal. For one thing, I'm taking my computer with me, and so will be able to update much more often. Also, the internet connection will hopefully be much faster, and I can actually include pictures. What luxury! More opportunity to update should mean shorter posts as well. As in readable in one sitting without getting bored length. The pictures should help with that as well.

I'm off to put in one final load of laundry so I can wear clean clothes on the airplane. до свидания!

1 comment:

Sasha said...

yayy!! have a wicked time!